Three questions to Dr Jane Bozarth


Following her session on social media for trainers at the 2012 Learning Live conference, LearnPatch asked Dr Jane Bozarth three questions on social media in learning.

Below is a brief summary of the interview followed by the interview itself.

1 What’s the question you are most commonly asked and how do you answer?
Issues around security – IT won’t let me or management is concerned. The answer is we need better to have better conversations around why we need these tools, the potential results and how they will help meet business needs. If you don’t know why you want to do what you want to do you might not get far.

2 What’s the question you would most like to be asked and what would the answer be?
I’d like to have more conversations about how to include learners and how we invite them to participate. It starts with us [L&D professionals] being participants, she says. If we want them to participate then we need to participate too.

3 Who influences  Jane Bozarth’s thinking?
A lot of people who influence my thinking are British such as Jane Hart, Steve Wheeler, Ben Betts. Twitter is an important part of this – for connections as well as relevant Twitter chats such as #lrnchat. Most of my influencers are writing and publishing a lot on Twitter, Harold Jarche for example.

Listen to the interview:

Jane Bozarth is author of Social Media for Trainers. Follow @janebozarth on Twitter.


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