Browsing: psychology

Curated The word Facts
5 minutes

Editor’s note: I think this is a great read and is very timely as organisations and L&D teams look to do things differently. The message of this article is that feelings cloud our judgement no matter how expert we are on a subject. What’s more ‘motivated reasoning’ can lead us to think through a topic in order that we reach a particular conclusion. We need to recognise the impact of emotions on the decisions we make and to pause for thought before responding.


Editor’s note: Repeat something enough times and we tend to think it is right. Why? Because of ‘cognitive ease’. Great video on truth or what we create as truth.


Editor’s note: Power can cause us to be less empathetic. Research shows that power has an alarming impact on behaviours. they key here is to stay grounded.


Editor’s note: Psychologist Alexander Todorov researches the way we perceive others and the information that actually helps us make decisions about others. His work has important implications for recruiting and promoting others.


Editor’s note: It’s a small survey but an interesting take on social media usage at work. This research shows that employees are happier and more productive if they spend breaks talking to others via social media (as opposed to consuming content such as videos).

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