Take The Apple Logo Test: Explains Why Everyday Memory Is So Poor
Editor’s note: A simple test show how we like to get the gist of something – the information we need to make sense of something – rather than all the information we need.
Editor’s note: A simple test show how we like to get the gist of something – the information we need to make sense of something – rather than all the information we need.
In the week that Apple launched its new iPads, this article looks at Apple’s future, which gives some clues as to what technology we can expect to see in the coming months and year or two. Clue: technology for every occasion!
Editor’s note: Design as a management tool – fascinating insights from Apple’s approach to design.
Editor’s note: A look at how Apple’s latest mobile operating system Ios7 is targeting the education market. Thanks to @designedlearnin for sharing.
Editor’s note: Some insights into mobile and learning from Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.
Editor’s note: A good round-up of Apple’s announcements yesterday, including that of the new iPad Mini.
Editor’s note: How a technical college adopted ipads as an integral part of its learning. Impressive results for both the learners and the college.
Editor’s note: A look at Apple’s training manual for understanding customers and making them happy.
The unofficial MASLO post – we are getting a new site up over at the Academic Advanced Distributed Learning Lab so this post will help people to learn more about MASLO until the site is ready.The Academic ADL