Robot Turtles: game-based learning at it’s finest
Editor’s note: Dave Kelly looks at how a board game for children introduces coding concepts with any mention of coding or teaching. A good read on how game mechanics can work.
Editor’s note: Dave Kelly looks at how a board game for children introduces coding concepts with any mention of coding or teaching. A good read on how game mechanics can work.
Editor’s note: Dave Kelly’s curated resources from the Long Island Chapter of ASTD session on Social Media and Social Learning for Learning Professionals.
Editor’s note: Dave Kelly previews the DevLearn conference by looking at innovation, curation and gamification.
Editor’s note: Good to see a member of the L&D community has got their hands on Google Glass. Follow Dave Kelly’s journey on his blog.
Editor’s note: Great set of resources from the New England ASTD Conference session on ‘Social Media and Social Learning for Learning Professionals’.
Editor’s note: Missed the Learning Solutions 2013 Conference? Well catch up here courtesy of Dave Kelly’s curated conference resources.
Editor’s note: At the last count there were 75 resources curated from the Learning 2012 Conference curated by Dave Kelly. Great resource for those who were and were not there.