Can Brain Science Help Us Break Bad Habits?
Editor’s note: We need cues and rewards to break habits. We also need new habits to replace old ones. Some useful insights here on behaviour change.
Editor’s note: We need cues and rewards to break habits. We also need new habits to replace old ones. Some useful insights here on behaviour change.
Editor’s note: Interesting read which suggests that technology can only go so far in helping us to change our habits.
Editor’s note: This is interesting in tow ways 1)
Editor’s note: To quote the article: ‘We need to do away with the notion that standards necessarily mean rigidity. Rather, standard work can help people do their jobs consistently and reliably, and improve how they do it.’ A look at how to do the habitual stuff better.
There are four steps to creating habits, says BJ Fogg who runs the persuasive technology…
Editor’s note: How to change user habits. Think cues and rewards and a whole lot more – all discussed in this practical article.
Editor’s note: Is social engineering the answer to breaking bad habits? And can you create an environment for yourself that forces you to change behaviour for the better?
Editor’s note: Stanford academic and behaviour change expert shares his thinking on how to change behaviour using tiny steps. This is a 10-minute video that’s well worth a watch.