Corporate learning: bringing thinking on the edge into the mainstream
Recently, I was a part of a really good and stimulating Twitter conversation that involved…
Recently, I was a part of a really good and stimulating Twitter conversation that involved…
A good message in here for all of us – entrepreneurs or not. How much…
Editor’s note: fascinating research into the neuroscience behind idea sharing. The results make for interesting reading: “The spread of ideas depends on the messenger’s social-cognitive abilities, affect, and motivations, and less on IQ-type intelligence. None of the stages involved in social influence recruited brain regions typically associated with higher-level abstract reasoning and executive functioning (the frontal-parietal brain network).”
Editor’s notes: Attend to the ‘weak signals’ in the organisation and make sure they are not crowded out by group-think.
Editor’s note: A look at the new book from Jonah Berger entitled, Contagious: Why Things Catch On.
Editor’s note: Academics explore why moderate views tend to be pushed out the way by more extreme views when it comes to the way ideas are shared.
Editor’s note: A great book list from Scott Berkun on how ideas spread. And not all the books on the list look at the here and now – it’s an interesting selection.
Editor’s note: A great piece from David DiSalvo on some of the basic elements that help us learn and ultimately become wise. Now look at workplace learning through this filter and what do you see?