Salman Khan
Editor’s note: Interview with Salman Khan, who founded Khan Academy. You’ll learn more about what drives the man and his views on learning and education.
Editor’s note: Interview with Salman Khan, who founded Khan Academy. You’ll learn more about what drives the man and his views on learning and education.
Editor’s note: I like the way Khan Academy is going in to classrooms to help teachers. Not sure what this says about technology and face to face other than we are in a big transition period between the two.
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Editor’s note: A review of Salman Khan’s, the founder of the Khan Academy, book, The One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined.
Editor’s note: Khan Academy has added to it’s iPad app with an iPhone and iPod app – providing access (bot not interactivity) with its thousands of videos.
Editor’s note: Is the Khan Academy the future of education? And would that be a good thing? Thanks to Donald H Taylor for sharing.