Building a better Pinterest through data
Editor’s note: How a data scientist is helping Pinterest provide a better service for users. If you design anything for the web then this is worth a read.
Editor’s note: How a data scientist is helping Pinterest provide a better service for users. If you design anything for the web then this is worth a read.
Editor’s note: Pew has released some research on users of five social networks – Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest. It is US focused and looks at gender, age, education and income.
OK, LearnPatch was born with a lot of 2012 behind it but we have been…
Editor’s note: Research into the use of Pinterest and social curation and how that relates to digital libraries. The research sheds light on how users use Pinterest.
Editor’s note: Over the last few days Pinterest has announced ‘secret boards’ functionality which allow users to control who sees the content. This makes for a potentially useful private, collaborative scrapbooking tool.