Don’t lecture me!
Editor’s note: Some great insights here on the lecture format. This line sums up the message here: “Higher Education values research over teaching, yet studiously ignores the research around teaching.”
Editor’s note: Some great insights here on the lecture format. This line sums up the message here: “Higher Education values research over teaching, yet studiously ignores the research around teaching.”
Editor’s note: Science is telling us what we know to be true about how we learn – something John Dewey outlined a century ago. But will data really help personalise the experience? Thanks to @marcoable for sharing.
Editor’s note: Great ideas for Steve Wheeler which could provoke some useful workplace learning ideas too.
Editor’s note: How they act of teaching – helping others learn – can develop your knowledge and skills. Why wouldn’t you have mentoring in the organisation knowing this.
Just replace the word teacher with L&D professional and student with colleague and this video…
Editor’s note: Daniel Pink’s new book is titled To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others. This interview explores Pink’s thinking in the context of teaching.
Editor’s note: Steve Wheeler shares what happened when he threw an idea into his class . . . the result is still work in progress but it involves finding, sharing and curating content and shows where just a germ of an idea can take you (both the teacher and the student).