The implications of agile for UX
Editor’s note: Anthropologist Natalie Hanson has written a series of blog posts regarding Agile methods and the implications for user experience work.
Editor’s note: Anthropologist Natalie Hanson has written a series of blog posts regarding Agile methods and the implications for user experience work.
Editor’s note: A useful list of free and paid-for tools for video meetings.
Editor’s note: Project Ansible is the Siemens answer to enterprise collaboration. So what’s it got that the competitors don’t have?
Editor’s note: The Economist looks at the MOOC market . . .
Editor’s note: Microsoft’s chief envisioner on how we need to change the 9-5 routine and get staff engaged with work.
Editor’s note: We are all cartographers now – or can be if we want to be. Interesting to see how technology is shaping the way we map the world.
Editor’s note: Ger Driesen pees into the future of technology and the implications for learning.
Editor’s note: Steve Whittaker, professor of human-computer interaction at the University of California at Santa Cruz, on the current state of play of interaction design.
Editor’s note: A camp without technology. What are the effects? This is a thoughtful piece on our reliance on technology.
Editor’s note: The implications of an ageing workforce for employers are writ large. Great analysis of what lies ahead.
Editor’s note: I like the way Khan Academy is going in to classrooms to help teachers. Not sure what this says about technology and face to face other than we are in a big transition period between the two.
Editor’s note: Will L&D be following in the tracks of marketing by taking scientific methodologies and making them their own? L&D could learn from marketing on this.
Editor’s note: Useful research that highlights the big trends that are affecting our (working) lives.
Editor’s note: It bridges education and work but how could vocational education be developed?
Editor’s note: Interesting analysis of how paying workers more might actually help the economy.