Dead man working
Editor’s note: A review of the book Dead Man Working. Is it healthy that work and play have become so entwined? Useful reflections as work and play increasingly become one.
Editor’s note: A review of the book Dead Man Working. Is it healthy that work and play have become so entwined? Useful reflections as work and play increasingly become one.
Editor’s note: useful infographic although some of these represent general tech trends ie HTML 5 and responsive web design.
Editor’s note: Following on from the recent E-learning Network event on what L&D can learn from marketing comes this rousing post on content marketing from Sukh Pabial.
Editor’s note: I’m a big fan of the behaviour changing potential of technology – this app, for example. If a goal of learning interventions is behaviour change, then there will be some learning from these apps . . .
Editor’s note: Clive Shepherd explores six ways in which learning professionals can realise a transformation in the way that learning and development occurs in their organisations.
Editor’s note: Useful rundown of all the isms between behaviourism and connectivism.
Editor’s note: Brent Council in London has moved most of its data into the cloud. Chief information officer Stephan Conaway talks about the implications.
Editor’s note: This article does exactly what it says on the tin. Don’t ever let your presentations go on for longer . . .
Editor’s note: Training is not the only solution, says Charles Jennings.
Editor’s note: Cathy Moore has penned a manifesto for L&D. So, what do you think?
Editor’s note: Is Brain work going the way of manual work . . .
Editor’s note: Behaviour change app Do Something Different has shared some findings from how its users have used the app . . . interesting reading.
Howard Gardner, Hobbs professor of cognition and education at Harvard Graduate School of Education, shares…
More than a third of small businesses have implemented policies and IT systems to manage…
Editor’s note: Excellent analysis of intelligence and the different ways in which we can look at it.