Author Martinc


Editor’s note: Craig Taylor reviews day one of the Virtual Learning Show – lots of takeaways here for anyone considering, or currently using, live online learning technology.


Editor’s note: Yishay Mor points to the Open University’s Innovating Pedagogy report, which was published in the summer – interesting list of 10 innovations.


Editor’s note: If you want to understand the best ways to cultivate and grow communities – and that includes learning communities – then this 1hr 18m audio is worth a listen. Richard Millington is the author of the book Buzzing Communities and in this talk he tackles some of the most-asked questions about growing and running online communities. Thanks to Mike Collins for sharing.


Editor’s note: Time to get your head around MOOCs – massive open online courses – says Donald Taylor. They will become a part of the learning mix and L&D professionals will need to know about how they work and their commercial models.

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