The fourth, annual, top ten e-learning movers and shakers
Editor’s note: I should have shared this link yesterday – here are all the annual lists of movers and shakers compiled by Bob Little.
Editor’s note: I should have shared this link yesterday – here are all the annual lists of movers and shakers compiled by Bob Little.
Editor’s note: We all use it but how good are we at using it? Great set of tips on how to search more effectively using Goggle search tools.
Editor’s note: Are we guilty of taking a deterministic view of ‘training’ in the workplace? Charles Jennings unpicks this approach and provides an alternative way of thinking about the role of learning in the workplace.
Editor’s Note: The Myers- Briggs Type Indicator is a pervasive test across organisations. But is it worth the paper it is written on? The scientific evidence would suggest not, according to this article.
Editor’s note: Interesting experiment (Wok+wine) and how peeling and eating shrimps facilitated meaningful conversation and connections. The experiment suggests creating events to break down silos can work well.
A case study of ‘innovative management’ and learning by doing to enable change at Korean Telecoms company KT.
Editor’s note: Some great tips here on nurturing and nourishing your personal learning network.
Editor’s note: yet more proof that job fulfilment is more important than pay amongst Gen Y workers.
Editor’s note: A preview of the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas. This show is worth following for insights into the next iterations of consumer technology (which will have a huge impact on business tech).
Editor’s note: Bob Little compiles an interesting list – many familiar names.
Editor’s note: Fascinating research into tablet use in three UK secondary schools. Sheds the light on the benefits to learning of tablets. Lots of information here but very useful.
Editor’s note: Naomi Bloom provides her view of the HR tech scene for 2013. HR systems are expanding to cover all elements of talent management – something for L&D to keep an eye on . . .
Editor’s note: Thankyou to Richard Sedley for sharing this great post, which is full of resources on online behaviour and persuasion. The focus is consumer behaviour but lost of great resources in here for learning professionals.
Editor’s note: Christopher Pappas shares five Google+ communities for elearning professionals.
Editor’s note: A look at how HR can harness the wisdom of the crowd. For learning that means the big ‘C’ word – collaboration.