10 apps to increase your HR work productivity
Editor’s note: A two-part article including useful tools for working on secure documents whilst outside the firewall.
Editor’s note: A two-part article including useful tools for working on secure documents whilst outside the firewall.
Editor’s note: Microsoft hopes that collaboration tools built into Office 2013 will give enterprise customers reason to also adopt Windows 8.
Editor’s note: Interesting to see the types of companies moving into the elearning space. Demand Media was built on content marketing, for example.
Editor’s note: A look at who should be responsible for employee engagement in the organisation.
Live blog notes from Matthew Hanwell’s presentation to the HR Tech Europe spring conference, London.…
This presentation on decision making was delivered by Dr Adrian Banks, a senior lecturer in…
Editor’s note: Missed the Learning Solutions 2013 Conference? Well catch up here courtesy of Dave Kelly’s curated conference resources.
Editor’s note: Jane Hart explores how enterprise community management can help bring learning and work together.
Editor’s note: The educational and professional publisher is reinventing itself with the launch of DigitalClassroom.com, a new, subscription-based e-learning website.
Editor’s note: Researchers show that inhibiting the prefrontal cortex – the brain’s thought ‘filter’ can lead to more creativity.
Editor’s note: Survey of 750 L&D professionals shows concern over budgets but pay remains stable.
Editor’s note: Perry Timms on the power of the network and how networks help us find our ‘companions’ versus being ‘forced’ to work with others in the more traditional sense of the workplace.
Editor’s note: Mozilla launches its Open Badges project to help learners and organisations earn and give badges.
Editor’s note: learning points from the Wordpress experience of being a 100% distributed workforce.
Editor’s note: How connections between basic survival functions, social and emotional reactions to the world, and creative impulses impact learning.