What’s to come as Jive’s Tony Zingale appears on stage at Boxworks with Box CEO Aaron Levie?
Editor’s note: Speculation that we might be seeing yet more activity in the enterprise social tools space . . .
Editor’s note: Speculation that we might be seeing yet more activity in the enterprise social tools space . . .
Editor’s note: Today, Bersin & Associates launch their latest research into the corporate learning management system market. It’s a market that’s worth a lot but vendors have their challenges, not least keeping up with learners.
Editor’s note: Steve Wheeler shared this slide at the World of Learning conference. It’s a great image which reflects the exponential growth in the web and user-generated content.
Editor’s note: So how did Victorians deal with the fire hose of information that was the explosion in book publishing?
Editor’s note: Yet another acquisition in the enterprise social networking space as Autodesk buys Qontext.
Editor’s note: Blogging is less formal than discussion thread responses but is better for oiling the wheels of community participation. Although this research looks at discussion in the education context its findings are useful for anyone designing learning content and who wants to create places and tools to help learners interact with each other.
Skills and deep sense of values are key for the future workforce, according to Caroline…
Editor’s note: Organisations still have a lot of work to do to effectively capture and share the knowledge their workers hold. Thought-provoking post from Harold Jarche. He shares his knowledge through his blog, where do you share yours?
Editor’s note: is workplace design the number one factor in sparking creative interactions? Probably not, says Scott Berkun. It is a factor but what of all the other places that have given us our greatest ideas?
Editor’s note: Some interesting debating tools that will add a more social dimension to online events.
Editor’s note: Research shows, not surprisingly, that we find our work more satisfying if we are using our one or more of our signature strengths. The use of these strengths goes hand in hand with more positive experiences at work, namely enjoyment, flow, sense of purpose or satisfaction and calling.
Editor’s note: physically moving around helps our brains function well, according to Daniel Kahneman, author of Thinking Fast and Slow. So why don’t we move around more at work, asks Flora Marriott.
Blogger and thinker Stowe Boyde’s opening keynote at this week’s Meaning Conference looked at the…
The World of Learning 2012 conference was brought to a close with three pecha kucha…
Editor’s note: Nearly 600 learning professionals share the tools they use to learn. A great resource from Jane Hart at the Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies.