Browsing: News

Curated A microphone
6 minutes

Editor’s note: The BBC Academy has produced a simple guide to podcasting, looking at what a podcast is, how to make one, how to develop an audience and more. The way the content is presented is simple and visual – a good format for learning content?

Curated Person being interviewed in street by journalist.

Editor’s note: The vox pop is a great tool for surfacing what people think, as explained in the following quote. Why don’t we use it as a part of learning from each other in organisations? “But there is so much to learn from listening to people, giving them the chance to offer a view, however incisive or ill informed we might think those opinions are. Vox pops are not scientific tests of public opinion but they often tell us something important about what is bubbling away below the surface.”

Curated Cover of the Edelman Trust Barometer report
10+ minutes

Editor’s note: This annual report into trust is well with your time. Interestingly, employers enjoy a good amount of trust and are seen by many as a trustworthy source of information about contentious issues in society. Some eye-opening insights into what people want to see from CEOs.

Curated Man's hands on computer keyboard

Editor’s note: Microsoft has produced a set of free courses to develop skills in the Microsoft suite of software.

Curated Slacl logo
3 minutes

Editor’s note: This is a useful list of team communication tools that are similar to Slack. The devil is in the detail as some of the tools offer unique bits of functionality.

Curated tools and instruments with toolbox on black background
1 minute (plus reading time for resources)

Editor’s note: The Debunker Club is ‘a community of people working to eradicate learning myths and share proven evidence-based insights’. It provides a set of resources which are useful for helping to challenge learning myths and ineffective practices.

Curated Magpie bird on the grass
1 minute

Editor’s note: Are L&Ders as guilty as marketers in that they spend too much time on emergent tools at the expense of established ones? Ahead of Learning Technologies 2019, this is an important message. Buyers beware!

Curated Cover of the learning to Learn report
10 minutes

Editor’s note: Thank you to Andrew Jacobs for sharing this report. Read from page 41 onwards to get insights on what learning to learn means in the age of artificial intelligence. The shift towards matching skills with tasks is an interesting one for L&D.

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