The fraudulent claims made by IBM about Watson and AI
Editor’s note: Interesting piece by Roger Schank on the sense making – or otherwise – of cognitive computing. There is still some way to go in this area.
Editor’s note: Interesting piece by Roger Schank on the sense making – or otherwise – of cognitive computing. There is still some way to go in this area.
Editor’s note: Thankyou to Media Zoo for sharing this really useful video about machine learning and artificial intelligence. Presented by a computer scientist, the film explains the basic concepts and in so doing will provide a good starter for further exploring the technology that could fundamentally change learning delivery.
Editor’s note: This is worth 11 minutes of your time. This video looks at automation througout the ages, which provides good context for the current age of automation.
Here are our curated tweets from the Chat2lrn Twitter chat on #artificial intelligence. [View the…
Editor’s note: A long and very worthwhile read on artificial intelligence, its origins, where it is at now and where we are headed.
Editor’s note: Interesting to see how artificial intelligence is starting to be used in business processes.
Editor’s note: Not just yet is the answer although there are some serious ethical issues to get grips with as technology becomes more intelligent.