Engaging eLearning – The Journey So Far
Editor’s note: This is what your elearning could look like . . . thanks to @weelearning for sharing.
Editor’s note: This is what your elearning could look like . . . thanks to @weelearning for sharing.
Editor’s note: fascinating research into the neuroscience behind idea sharing. The results make for interesting reading: “The spread of ideas depends on the messenger’s social-cognitive abilities, affect, and motivations, and less on IQ-type intelligence. None of the stages involved in social influence recruited brain regions typically associated with higher-level abstract reasoning and executive functioning (the frontal-parietal brain network).”
Editor’s note: Interesting to see Podio, Citrix’s online collaboration platform service, adding Skype-like services. Getting ahead of Yammer in its functionality as a collaboration tool?
Editor’s note: Steve Wheeler continues his series of retrospective reviews of seminal learning and technology books. In this post, he looks at Clay Shirky’s Here Comes Everybody.
Editor’s note: A good primer on ethnography as a research tool, especially in design and user experience.
Editor’s note: A range of reasons to use performance support, from fear to it’s happening anyway. So, to stay relevant L&D must embrace it now . . .
Despite the fact organisations say coaching is effective, measuring its success continues to be a…
Not sure there is a ‘perfect’ update but some useful insights here. Thanks to Mycustomer…
Editor’s note: Research of nearly 1,000 high potential employees and their attitudes and experiences of flexible working.
Editor’s note: A look at the future of wearable tech and sports apps – application for behaviour change in organisations?
Editor’s note: Thanks to @janebozarth for sharing this – inspirational ideas for how to use Twitter for teaching and learning.
Editor’s note: Summary from International Coach Federation research into the state of coaching – namely how it is being used.
Editor’s note: Discussions on the role of advocates in communities – the attributes for each role type are interesting in the community context.
We love it when a quote makes a big point. This is from Ben Betts…
Editor’s note: A look at the increasing interdependencies between the world’s technological, socio-economic, and environmental systems and why we may have to redesign global networks. Big picture perspectives that point us to where we might be headed.