Author Martinc


Editor’s note: It took three years, two months and one day for the first billion tweets to be sent on Twitter. it now takes two and a half days. Not only is this a reflection of how technology is changing but it also serves as a reminder of the exponential rise in data on the web. Clearly, maligning sense of the data is a huge challenge – something the new Twitter archive might be able to help with.


Editor’s note: Steve Wheeler shares what happened when he threw an idea into his class . . . the result is still work in progress but it involves finding, sharing and curating content and shows where just a germ of an idea can take you (both the teacher and the student).


Editor’s note: Dave Briggs shares how he developed a more social approach to learning by creating some simple sites to help support a face to face event. A simple and effective approach. Thanks to Shirley Ayres for sharing.


Editor’s note: Rachel Miller’s Storify from yesterday’s Engage for Success event in London. If you haven’t seen Engage for Success then check out their site, which provides lots of tools around employee engagement.


Editor’s note: Should we – and can we – measure informal learning? Andrew Jacobs opens up the debate and lots of people have commented.


Editor’s note: SMARTeacher has figured out how to use galvanic skin response (GSR) technology to map students’ emotions.  Using a GSR sensor embedded into a wristwatch like device, the company is able to consistently monitor student engagement levels while the device is worn.


Editor’s note: This study attempted to investigate the relationship and differences (if any) of five variables, motivation, self monitoring, internet literacy, internet anxiety and concentration of students when engaging in online studying – studying a language.


Editor’s note: A three-year project with 400 eight to 10-year olds found that using interactive “smart” desks can have benefits over doing maths on paper, and that pupils are able to improve their fluency and flexibility in maths by working together.


Editor’s note: If you are interested in informal learning and the idea of facilitating learning and the role of the facilitator then you might be interested in the work of Carl Rogers. This article is an overview of his work with a focus on informal learning.

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