Browsing: Curated

Curated Pixelated acronym HR made from cubes, mosaic pattern
4 minutes

Editor’s note: This article looks at the tensions around change and moving from legacy ways of doing HR. this quote sums up the thrust of the piece: “Creating a culture of change and nurturing values like flexibility and ambition is what sets the foundation for innovation. But what we see most often is companies adapting around old systems, instead of completely rethinking leadership and management, or transforming the way they recruit and retain, or the types of roles they create.”

Curated many colorful hands waving
1 minute

Editor’s note: Research from Robert Half shows that improving workplace culture is a top priority this year. Within this, the research shows that employers are looking to improve diversity inclusion. Interestingly, the research shows that mentoring and training programmes are the number one tactic for improving workplace culture.

Curated Boss identification plate with engraving
1 minute

Editor’s note: There’s not a lot of insight from the research mentioned in this article. However, there is one data point that’s worth considering, and that is that just 23% of UK employers plan to focus their training and development activity on senior leaders in the next 12 months. This chimes with other research. So, why are senior leaders left out of L&D activities?

Curated A large group of different people showing thumbs up together.
2 minutes

Editor’s note: OK, so you won’t be shocked or surprised by this list. But take a moment to reflect, and remember, why people come to work. It’s to be a part of a team, to be fulfilled, because of the people, to feel valued etc.

Curated Artwork cocreated from inclusion barcamp

Editor’s note: In this reflection on our barcamp, Doug Shaw describes the story behind the creative practice he facilitated at the event.

Curated Gold trophy
3 minutes

Editor’s note: Congratulations to all the winners of the Learning and Performance Institute’s Learning Awards 2020. It’s good to see where the innovation is happening in the sector and which individual and teams are doing great things.

Curated The words hashtag women in learning
5 minutes

Editor’s note: I hope this link works! It should show the tweet stream for the Women in Learning hashtag. There were some Women in Learning events at the Learning Technologies conference this year and the tweets give a sense of what was going on. I attended one and was really energised by it. It’s great to see this focus on making learning a fair, equal sector for all to progress and flourish.

Curated Cover picture of Fosway Digital Realities Research 2020
10 minutes

Editor’s note: This research always makes for a challenging read. For example, 65% of learning professionals do not think learning platforms are fit for the modern workforce. This is useful research for understanding what buyers want from learning tech.

Curated Fosway 9-grid for learning systems
5 minutes

Editor’s note: HR and L&D analysts Fosway Group have just released their latest analysis of the learning systems market. There are a couple of things that are worthy of note. First, Fosway have recategorised learning technologies into suites (platforms that do everything) and specialists (technology that does one or two things very well. Second, the analysis shows that there are many new entrants into the market that are specialists. This marks a shift away from all singing, all dancing platforms.

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