Browsing: Curated

Curated Pile of colorful paper notes with question marks.
2 minutes

Editor’s note: I dropped into the World of Learning Summit this week and in one of the sessions Andrew Jacobs shared this article on double loop learning. It’s a really useful method for questioning the assumptions that lie behind a piece of learning. It also advocates for inquiry and dialogue. Seems like a good way to approach all learning interventions right now.

Curated White word Webinar on orange background.
5 minutes

Editor’s note: Thank you to Jo Cook for sharing this research. It’s useful to see how organisations are using webinars and how they could improve. The research suggests that organisations could improve audience engagement – that’s an opportunity not to be missed.

Curated Slide from the WEF jobs report showing the employment rates for women of different types of jobs
10 minutes

Editor’s note: This report from the World Economic Forum shows that automation and digital acceleration will significantly change the types of skills required by employers. To safeguard jobs, employers will need to act quickly to understand what gets automated and what needs human input. The report shares the types of skills that are likely to be in demand in the coming months and years.

Curated Cover of Degreed State of Skills Report 2021
8 minutes

Editor’s note: Research from Degreed shows workers’ feelings about their own skills and how they have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. The findings show just how important skills have become over the past few months.

Curated Woman manager working from home
3 minutes

Editor’s note: L&D talks about data and the importance of the insights we can generate from it. But how far do we – or should we – go in collecting data from employees? New tools are allowing employers to collect data on employees at a granular level. Should we be concerned?

4 minutes

Editor’s note: Scientists across a range of disciplines have been studying the science of fake news. This article draws on the research and looks at how fake news affects our behaviours.

Curated Black Lives Matter Peaceful Protest in Hoboken, New Jersey
5 minutes

Editor’s note: This research of organisational approaches to diversity and inclusion explores whether employers’ current focus on D&I is a momentary thing or something bigger – a movement for change.

Curated Critical thinking highlighted by magnifying glass
5+ minutes

Editor’s note: The IHC Network, an international, multidisciplinary group with deep experience in research methods, health services research, medicine, public health, epidemiology, design, education, communication and journalism, has created this site to help people think critically about claims made about management.

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