Resilience through organisational change
Editor’s note: Reflections on how L&D can help build personal and organisational resilience from Sukh Pabial who is helping his organisation change rapidly as a part of the change agenda in the NHS.
Editor’s note: Reflections on how L&D can help build personal and organisational resilience from Sukh Pabial who is helping his organisation change rapidly as a part of the change agenda in the NHS.
Editor’s note: Instructional designer Margaret Kelsey’s reflections on Learning Technologies 2013. The following paragraph sums it up well: ‘Thankfully, we are now entering this age of connectivism supported by technology because the human spirit is predisposed to seek, find, and explore; to hypothesize, synthesize, and analyze concepts; to share, connect and collaborate – all without imposed limitations. Witness the increase in home school programs for youth and online programs for adults; all self-directed learning.’
Editor’s note: Dr Kelly Brooks of the American Public University looks at research into whether video games can help to increase fitness. can games produce real work behaviour change?
Editor’s note: Clark Quinn’s mindmap of a Roger Schank keynote at the Third International Conference of e-Learning and Distance Education shows Schank’s views on how learning really works.
The slidedeck from Scott Scanlon, creator of Curation Traffic, annotates examples of curated content. Not…
In his session at Learning Technologies 2013, the BBC’s former chief learning officer Nigel Paine…
Editor’s note: The next big challenge for wearable technology is designing for the brain – designing for the nuanced way our brains process the experience of wearing a device.
Editor’s note: A round-up of Towards Maturity’s learning exchanges at the Learning Technologies conference in which conference speakers shared their thinking on the exhibition floor. Articles range from game-based learning to technology facilitated reflection.
Editor’s note: A lo-fi way of engaging learners using a spreadsheet and some game mechanics.
Editor’s note: Education focused but an interesting taxonomy of conversations on Skype, from ‘ping pong’ conversations to ‘content’ conversations.
Editor’s note: Reflections on the value of knowledge management in legal firms and how lawyers might measure the effectiveness of knowledge management in their organisations.
Last week LearnPatch ran its first event, a bar camp-style event on curation in learning…
Alexander Kjerulf has produced an eight minute animation based on his work on happiness at…
Editor’s note: Mark Bethelemy reports on the discussion with Ben Betts from this year’s Learning Technologies eXchanges 2013. The article looks at the different ways in which games may be used to support learning, and provides an overview of current research.
Editor’s note: Can computer games make us more empathetic? This research suggests they can. Thanks to @canhoto for sharing.