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Editor’s note: This study attempted to investigate the relationship and differences (if any) of five variables, motivation, self monitoring, internet literacy, internet anxiety and concentration of students when engaging in online studying – studying a language.


Editor’s note: A three-year project with 400 eight to 10-year olds found that using interactive “smart” desks can have benefits over doing maths on paper, and that pupils are able to improve their fluency and flexibility in maths by working together.


Editor’s note: If you are interested in informal learning and the idea of facilitating learning and the role of the facilitator then you might be interested in the work of Carl Rogers. This article is an overview of his work with a focus on informal learning.


Editor’s note: So what holds L&D professionals back from doing new things, showing the way with new tools, techniques and thinking on learning? Does L&D constrain itself? Thought-provoking post from Mike Collins.

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