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3 minutes

Editor’s note: It’s interesting to see the apps that Microsoft is offering through Office 365. StaffHub looks very interesting, not only as a communications device for frontline staff who don’t have access to a computer but also as a way for teams to share information relevant to the priorities of their schedule.

1 minute (plus report reading time)

Editor’s note: As a part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2018, the Mental Health Foundation carried out research to understand how many people are affected by stress. This report lifts the lid on the research and looks at how people can better manage stress.

Curated Red roses on a blue wooden background
2 minutes

Editor’s note: There’s a good message here for anyone trying to get colleagues on board with new ways of doing things. It is: understand what is exciting to them about the new ways of doing things and sell that concept. I guess some would call it ‘engagement’.

3 minutes

Editor’s note: This was the topic for discussion in this morning’s #LDinsight Twitter chat. I’m sharing this because understanding unconscious bias is the start to being able to do something about it.

7 minutes

Editor’s note: McDonalds wanted to sell more milkshakes but they didn’t understand what job the milkshake was doing. Once they did, they understood how to sell more. Are there parallels here for L&D? Do we understand the job to be done?

Curated Podium in Empty room with abstract color yellow lighting sphere wall and black wall
5 minutes

Editor’s Note: More research here to help our understanding of how we consume information online. Maybe the influence of online echo chambers has been over-stated.

Curated View From Behind As CEO Addresses Meeting In Boardroom
5 minutes

Editor’s note: Some eye-catching data here from a survey of 402 CEOs. Asked, “Which ONE developmental measure was most useful in your preparation for the role?”, only 4% of CEOs said senior leadership development programs.

Curated industry factory iron works steel and machine parts modern indoor hall for assambly
5 minutes for exec summary

Editor’s note: The CIPD has carried out a large research study into the quality of jobs in the UK. There’s loads of detail to pick over but one statement stands out: “Nearly half of all jobs fail to provide decent career development.” And prospects for development are worse for those in society who are worse off.

Curated A perspective view of a wooden foosball table showing a blue and red team on a green marked pitch on an isolated white background
4 minutes

Editor’s note: It’s interesting to see that learning behaviours such as inquiry and curiosity underpin the two traits discussed here – cognitive diversity and psychological safety. Useful insights here into helping teams work more effectively.

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