Cultural insights from the conversation on Twitter
Editor’s note: It’s interesting to see what topics are driving the conversation on Twitter. Here Twitter shares the six topics that are in the ascendancy.
Editor’s note: It’s interesting to see what topics are driving the conversation on Twitter. Here Twitter shares the six topics that are in the ascendancy.
Editor’s note: This is a good guide to help get started using Twitter. The platform is a great resource for learning professionals so if you aren’t using it then I’d encourage you to get started. I’d also add that it’s OK to use it as a news feed too – simply follow the people and sources that interest you.
Editor’s note: Twitter is making some changes that will make the service easier to use. Whether you are a novice or advanced user, these changes are worth noting. They will be coming into effect in the coming months.
Editor’s note: If you know someone new to Twitter, then this is a useful article. Lots of tips and covers the basics well.
Editor’s note: The new tool will give the company a way to show the best of Twitter to both logged-in and logged-out users on a variety of platforms. It will have instantly loading videos and rich images, and will occupy a front-and-center location in an upcoming version of the Twitter app.
Editor’s note: Steve Rosenbaum, author of Curate This!, argues that Twitter’s real value in the future will be to enable users to curate content.
Editor’s note: A great analysis of Twitter’s development so far and why curation has to be a part of its future development.
Editor’s note: Twitter sees curation as an important part of its development which explains the launch of its Curator tool.
Editor’s note: This article offers some useful insights into using Twitter and how others use Twitter based on research into users’ behaviour. Whether you use Twitter or not, this is useful for understanding how people use it and how, as a user, you could use it better.
Editor’s note: I’m interested in how we can challenge ideas online. This film shows how people can turn on others online and with devastating effect. Is that what you risk if you want to challenge ideas?
Editor’s note: This research analyses Twitter data to understand what drives behaviour on Twitter and in particular what really drives retweets, favorites, and replies.
Here are our edited highlights from the Chat2lrn #twitter chat on #decision-making practice in elearning.…
Here are our edited tweets from today’s Chat2lrn #twitter chat on #neuroscience and #learning. Lots…
Her are our tweet highlights from this week’s Chat2lrn #twitter chat on #microlearning. [View…
Editor’s note: It’s a small survey but an interesting take on social media usage at work. This research shows that employees are happier and more productive if they spend breaks talking to others via social media (as opposed to consuming content such as videos).