Curated tweets from #chat2lrn chat on ‘what learners want’


Here are a curated election of tweets from the chat2lrn Twitter chat on .

Curated tweets from the chat2lrn Twitter chat on what learners want

Curated tweets from the chat2lrn Twitter chat on what learners want.

Storified by Martin Couzins· Fri, Apr 05 2013 02:13:13

Q1) We talk about learner-centric programmes but what does this mean?
Q1) learner-centric=centered on learner, so having everything based on the audience/learner/people who need something Bertapelle
Q1) Working with to design something they actually need and can use rather than us telling them what we think they need Hudson Lawson
A1) Would think learner-centric means designed to meet the needs or wants of the individuals in the "target" audience Spiglanin
Q1 – we aspire to put learners 1st, put them in the driving seat not the trainer Overton
a1) First and foremost it meets their *needs* in terms of being able to perform at their job. Shank PhD CPT
A1) Fusing learner and learning together – both working together and performing together Learning
Q1 Different ways to be learner-centric e.g. enabling them to set the subject domain, or working with their learning habits Ferguson
Q1) To me ‘learner-centric’ should do what it says on the can, i.e. the learner & their needs is at the centre of L&D provision Christian-Carter
Q1) I would hope that it is designing for the audience and providing them with what they need to do their jobs. Reyes, Ed.D.
q1) Building learning that engages, challenges and changes learner to desired result. Santiago
q1) learner centric – motivating, asking rather than telling, providing resources to explore, time to consolidate and review Collins
A1) Germane to their needs/interests, considerate of their context. Situated in where they are and where they need to go. Beck, EdD
Q1 Programs that actually address the learners’ needs rather than another group’s agenda for them Woods
a1) understanding learners needs rather than making assumptions…as they make an Ass of U and Me and so not good for learners Price
Learning that’s personalised, mobile, and they can do on the job as well as in the classroom. Just in time eLearning is invaluable Jorgensen
Q1) Designs that take the learner into account, perhaps even more than the SME May
Q1) Sometimes it’s not possible to be completely ‘learner centric’ in a way that meets all the definitions chat2lrnOwen Ferguson
@owenferguson Can you explain a bit more Owen?? chat2lrnLesley Price
@lesleywprice for example, orgs have needs that may sometimes clash with a learner’s subject preferences chat2lrnOwen Ferguson
Q1 – learner centric should be focussed on learner outcomes not training outcomes – agree @pattishank – must be valuable to them chat2lrnLaura Overton
A1) learning should be a case of – does the learning know the learner more than does the learner know the learning chat2lrnZephyr Learning
a1) usable at the time user needs it chat2lrnPatti Shank PhD CPT
@chat2lrn A1) By listening, but not necessarily obeying Taylor
A1) Is it important to distinguish between "learner" needs and wants? Learner-centric should meet need first, no? chat2lrnTom Spiglanin
Q2) How successful are we in developing learner-centric programmes? chat2lrnchat2lrn
Q1 – great list of learner centric characteristics – Q2 – how successful are we in matching up to them? chat2lrnLaura Overton
Q2) Sadly, I have to say FAIL! Most often it is what someone THINKS they need and time not spent to discover real needs. chat2lrnNancy Reyes, Ed.D.
Q2) I certainly think there’s plenty of room for improvement… we try to get better at it each time… chat2lrnMeg Bertapelle
A2) How successful at developing learner-centric programs? Likely not if it’s sage-on-stage. Relevance and timeliness are key chat2lrnTom Spiglanin
A2) Success depends on the skill of the individual doing the asking and design to understand what they (user) needs chat2lrnDenise Hudson Lawson
Q2) … helps to have support for the research/interview/observation time vs. "just do what I asked for" from mgmt chat2lrnMeg Bertapelle
A2) I think it is very hit or miss…the more control the learner has, the more likely to be successful I think. chat2lrnAndrea May
Q2) As a whole I don’t think we are at all successful. Possibly it’s slowly getting better but there’s a long way to go chat2lrnJ Christian-Carter
A2) I’d say in my corner of the world (nonprofit pro dev), still more reliance on trainer-at-front-of-room model. chat2lrnDebra Beck, EdD
Q2 Not as effective as we’d like. I personally struggle with wanting to put the learner 1st but having to answer to SMEs 1st Chat2LrnBianca Woods
A2) Depends/Have we done r work? (specific needs uncov’d etc) Does the culture support that? Or is order-taker required? Mahoney CPLP
q2) I am not sure that we are 🙁 very often we are order takers so don’t really ask what is it you want to be able to do chat2lrnLesley Price
Q2) May be easier in continuous education ? Winck
a2) Our processes and constraints mostly don’t allow for it. chat2lrnPatti Shank PhD CPT
MT @judithels: Q2) As a whole I don’t think we are successful. It’s slowly getting better but there’s a long way to go chat2lrn >AgreeAndrea May
Q2 Only 3 out of 5 L&D professionals think their learning is relevant to staff (from @towardsmaturity 2012 study) chat2lrnLaura Overton
A2) we are successful in thinking about them, wanting them – but the application I am not so sure about chat2lrnZephyr Learning
A2) No-if not skilled at uncovering needs well/not adept at saying "No" to leadership who dictates/mandates chat2lrnDawn Mahoney CPLP
Q2 It also takes time to figure out what EXACTLY learners truly need, and separate that from what they or others THINK they need Chat2LrnBianca Woods
Q2 – we think technology brings learner’s choice , flexibility and control but they are often just too overwhelmed by it chat2lrnLaura Overton
A2) Learners don’t always want "control"-not conditioned to be this way chat2lrnDawn Mahoney CPLP
A2) Just In Time tools helping to chg the paradigm (Google, Wikipedia, etc) chat2lrnDawn Mahoney CPLP
#chat2lrn A2) it can be more successful when the L&D team have data which supports fundamental gaps and when L&D has credibility in processCindy Jensen
A2) Sometimes they don’t know what they don’t know. Huge issue w/nonprofit boards, where I focus. chat2lrnDebra Beck, EdD
A2) Do we EVER assert that "training" might not be the answer? chat2lrnDawn Mahoney CPLP
Q2- years ago @charlesjennings and @dwil23 talked about the conspiracy of convenience – looks like it’s still going on! chat2lrnLaura Overton
A2) We are much better at creating requester-centric programs than learner-centric programs. Dillon
A2) re control: also brings responsibility. Easier for some to just "tell me what to do." chat2lrnDebra Beck, EdD
A2) Focus on how we are sourcing information today too! So called none learning approaches are far better that structured ones chat2lrnZephyr Learning
Q2) AS an industry still a long ways to go. SOme are better than others. We buy their books & sit in their workshops chat2lrnAirton Santiago
Q2) L&D still getting to grips with tools to truly understand learners’ needs. Lots to learn from UX design + other disciplines chat2lrnOwen Ferguson
A2) What they need may require commitment they aren’t ready or are unwilling to make. More than 2-hr training session. chat2lrnDebra Beck, EdD
A2) "people don’t know what they want until you show it to them." – Steve Jobs chat2lrnCraig Taylor
Q2) re control: trainers don’t always want to give it up. some like the "power," like "owning" the knowledge. chat2lrnNancy Reyes, Ed.D.
A2) I find learner-centric to be more about providing opportunity and accountability/alignment with performance. chat2lrnJD Dillon
A2) Ask how someone likes to learn and you’ll get a conditioned response. Ask what they did when last faced with a challenge … chat2lrnOwen Ferguson
A2) …and you’ll get a different answer. chat2lrnOwen Ferguson
Q3) What goes wrong? chat2lrnchat2lrn
A3) ASSUME is an acronym chat2lrnDawn Mahoney CPLP
A3) wow, now thats a big question… cant answer in 140 characters … or can I… chat2lrnDenise Hudson Lawson
A3) Stakeholders think they know what learners need, push for the wrong offerings. chat2lrnJD Dillon
#chat2lrn A3) Perhaps we try to pander *too* much to what ppl want?Craig Taylor
A3) Instructional Designs go wrong if you don’t ask and listen critically; observe and assess objectively. chat2lrnTom Spiglanin
Q3 There’s a long path between WANTING to be learner centered and actually creating content that fits that description Chat2LrnBianca Woods
A3- learners are not in the driving seat – we’ve set up the scalectrix but kept our hands on the control! chat2lrnLaura Overton
a3) We take orders. chat2lrnPatti Shank PhD CPT
A3) If the audience is more than 1 person, we almost have to stereotype the group which is right away at odds with learner-centric chat2lrnAndrea May
A3) Things also go wrong when "I don’t have time" wins out. chat2lrnTom Spiglanin
A3) May be the idea is wrong ? Oppose Learner/Teacher may some collaborative approach were teacher expose choices first would do chat2lrnBruno Winck
Q3) management: thinking "taking course" is enough, CYA mentality, rushing so fast, lack of support for real analysis chat2lrnMeg Bertapelle
#chat2lrn A3) lack of clearly defined outcomes-scope creep-status and ego-band aid solution-knowing is it even a training opportunity?Cindy Jensen
Q3) So called "Learning Professionals" just doing as ordered instead of asking the right questions and/or solutions chat2lrnAirton Santiago
a3) we keep making assumptions and then wonder why the outcome is not improved performance chat2lrnLesley Price
A3) "Just get it done so I can move onto something else"–IDs & Learners chat2lrnDawn Mahoney CPLP
Q3) There’s often a tension between "what we want you to be able to do" and "what I want to be able to do". That isn’t down to L&D chat2lrnOwen Ferguson
A3) Lack of understanding on the impact learner focused approaches makes. Need to move away from learning for the sake of learning chat2lrnZephyr Learning
Q3) Often the sponsor is not clear on the real problem and wants to throw in the kitchen sink just in case. chat2lrnNancy Reyes, Ed.D.
A3) No support post- "training" chat2lrnDawn Mahoney CPLP
@lauraoverton Conspiracy of convenience cease when we analyse performance problems first. Then find best way to address them. Jennings
Q3) Job design, recruitment, etc play a part. Being learner centric is easier if the right people are in the right roles for them. chat2lrnOwen Ferguson
A3- 63% of us beleive learner’s lack of ability to manage their learning is holding our projects back >are we too quick to blame? chat2lrnLaura Overton
Q3 Past exp. is a problem too. Learner centered content can seem odd/too diff. to SME’s & even learners at 1st. Chat2LrnBianca Woods
a3) Aren’t we supposed to be better than learners at analyzing what they need? chat2lrnPatti Shank PhD CPT
MT @ZephyrLRN: A3) If proper evaluations of learning were carried out after implimentation – lessons would be learned. chat2lrnPatti Shank PhD CPT
Falls on deaf ears @tomspiglanin A3) Gone wrong: "Design me some elearning" instead of "This is the need, how can it best be met?" chat2lrnNancy Reyes, Ed.D.
A3) No evaluation plan built as part of the overall development process chat2lrnDawn Mahoney CPLP
“@pattishank: a3) Aren’t we supposed to be better than learners at analyzing what they need? chat2lrn” <- u wild hv thought soDenise Hudson Lawson
Q4) What are some of the reasons why learners often feel that L&D doesn’t have a clue about their needs? chat2lrnchat2lrn
A4) We dont understand their business enough to understand their need chat2lrnDenise Hudson Lawson
A4) What’s provided is pre-packaged, generic, not suitable to context. chat2lrnDebra Beck, EdD
Q4) we don’t understand their day-to-day challenges & work because we don’t go see! chat2lrnMeg Bertapelle
Q4 They aren’t stupid. They can tell when training is developed for someone else’s priorities instead of theirs Chat2LrnBianca Woods
Q4) Providing them with stuff that has no relevance whatsoever to what they do in the workplace & their jobs chat2lrnJ Christian-Carter
A4- I don’t believe we understand our learner’s natural habitat – How do they learn what they need when we are not around? chat2lrnLaura Overton
A4) And/or little opp for real interaction, exploration of how to apply; person lecturing at front of the ‘room’ chat2lrnDebra Beck, EdD
A4) We are often trapped between learner and SME – SME won’t sign off unless everything THEY want is in. chat2lrnAndrea May
A4) No links to previous experience demonstrated chat2lrnDawn Mahoney CPLP
a4) IMHO its the age old problem…you don’t know what you don’t know chat2lrnLesley Price
Q4) we work with and in the business so we do understand – shadowing and getting hands dirty works wonders chat2lrnDenise Hudson Lawson
A4) lack of attentive listening of learners needs/condition/situation chat2lrnBruno Winck
Q4) One reason is L&D isn’t seen as business focussed. Too many off site events vs the reality of selling stuff or irate customers chat2lrnOwen Ferguson
A4) because l&d don’t understand their day to day ‘what matters and impacts their role’ needs chat2lrnZephyr Learning
Q4) Re-teach prior knowledge, content not timely, not relevant, time consuming, boring chat2lrnNancy Reyes, Ed.D.
A4) We don’t:Do their jobsWork under their pressuresHave their targets and very often…NEVER ASK THEM. All justifiable IMO chat2lrnCraig Taylor
A4) We get excited about new projects then move on/don’t revisit what is done-assess, re-design, re-engage chat2lrnDawn Mahoney CPLP
A4) How often do L&D people get out into the operation and work alongside "learners" – my bet is not often enough. chat2lrnJD Dillon
A4) If participants in "learning activities" don’t understand purpose or reason, then L&D doesn’t have a clue. chat2lrnTom Spiglanin
A4) not knowing the daily routines, the pressures, the frustrations around doing your job well
Q4) so obvious when all need is check in a box – no relevance, CYA, read-and-agree stuff that we "have" to do for regulatory req’s chat2lrnMeg Bertapelle
A4) Does the audience respect the learning organization? Do they believe their goals are aligned? chat2lrnJD Dillon
q4) Our content is rarely relevant. chat2lrnPatti Shank PhD CPT
Q4) Most don’t see themselves as ‘learners’ but as workers looking for help to do their jobs better – L&D needs to focus on that. chat2lrnCharles Jennings
Q4) We dish out ‘medicine’ in the hope it’ll cure them & it doesn’t! chat2lrnJ Christian-Carter
Q4) Full-blown courses where tip sheet would do, compliance training – same course/quiz every year, don’t know what I actually DO chat2lrnNancy Reyes, Ed.D.
A4) Or we can’t/don’t adapt when obvious what we planned to cover doesn’t meet their needs chat2lrnDebra Beck, EdD
A4) I think it is easier not to be connected back/easier to blame the landscape/Shame on us! chat2lrnDawn Mahoney CPLP
Q4 I’ve worked against prior bad experience too. Learners have terrible training in the past, expect the same from us now Chat2LrnBianca Woods
Q4) Sometimes it’s ok to not know the detail of ‘what’ they do, as long as we understand how they work and learn most effectively chat2lrnOwen Ferguson
A4) L&D needs to move away from administring, to understanding more about learning impact, performance and its accountablity chat2lrnZephyr Learning
A4) Sometimes if we specify time and place and set schedules, we don’t have a clue. chat2lrnTom Spiglanin
#chat2lrn A4) L&D is not engaged or collaborative enough with strat. plan, org., functional teams, stakeholders, sponsors, SME’s, customers.Cindy Jensen
A4) It’s up to us to make sure our partners know we care about them as both professionals and individuals. chat2lrnJD Dillon
Q4 @charlesjennings – do you think L and D see their customers as learners or workers? chat2lrnLaura Overton
a4) So why don’t we just stop calling them "learners" right now? Now. chat2lrnPatti Shank PhD CPT
A4) "learners" think L&D doesn’t have a clue because, at times, L&D doesn’t. chat2lrnTom Spiglanin
#chat2lrn Q4) What are some of the reasons why learners feel that L&D doesn’t have a clue about their needs? <OMG 140 chars not enoughJane Hart (C4LPT)
Is it always "either"? Is it never "and"? Q4 @charlesjennings – do you think L and D see their customers as learners or workers? chat2lrnBianca Woods
A4) People don’t need the training department to learn, and training needs to understand and leverage that. chat2lrnJD Dillon
@lauraoverton Many L&D professionals see their customers as ‘learners’ (or even ‘patients’ !) not ‘workers’, ‘colleagues’ etc. chat2lrnCharles Jennings
Q5) What would L&D really need to do to understand learners’ worlds and needs? chat2lrnchat2lrn
Q5 More opportunities to actually talk with them and see the real world challenges they face Chat2LrnBianca Woods
@chat2lrn see answer to previous. Shadow in the business, work in the business, learn ourselves what they do chat2lrnDenise Hudson Lawson
A5) L&D needs to be part of the operation and not view itself/act as a support organization. chat2lrnJD Dillon
A5) They need to live the world of the learner to understand chat2lrnZephyr Learning
A5) Do what I’ve been doing; ask them! >… chat2lrnCraig Taylor
a5) Watch them work, understand their jobs, talk to them. Simple. Can’t do less. chat2lrnPatti Shank PhD CPT
Q5) go work w/your audience, observe, ask them what they need, observe challenges; and measure performance chat2lrnMeg Bertapelle
Q5) They’d need to be just as invested, and without the time and money, ain’t nobody got time for that! (pop culture reference)
A5) Make better decisions based on data ie understand a problem area in the biz and intervene chat2lrnLearnPatch
Q5) Shadow someone, see what it is they really do. I bet someone has a better way of doing it than the way you trained it. chat2lrnNancy Reyes, Ed.D.
Q5) Truly understand them, what they do, what their orgs need, what probs they have … chat2lrnJ Christian-Carter
Q5 I’ve been lucky to work on a program where we get to 1st build trust with our learners and THEN ask for feedback Chat2LrnBianca Woods
we should be more assertive as L&D professionals to challenge processes and constraints and listen to learners and business chat2lrnStella Collins
A5) People from the operation must collaborate with traditional L&D professionals to get the right mix of know-how. chat2lrnJD Dillon
a5) Can’t just ask. HAVE to watch, listen, be there. chat2lrnPatti Shank PhD CPT
#chat2lrn A5) engage, ask, dig deeper for understanding, be curious (act like you don’t know), experience, see and touch what they do.Cindy Jensen
Q5 You get much better info when the learners you’re talking with actually believe you want to do the right thing for them Chat2LrnBianca Woods
A5) The need to see the learner as the expert and L&D need to fulfil the needs chat2lrnZephyr Learning
A5) Reach into the workplace. Build and participate in wrkplc communities. Social media enable this. chat2lrnTom Spiglanin
Stop using the word *learner* for the rest of this chat, okay? chat2lrnPatti Shank PhD CPT
Q5) View your work as a trusted partner or solutions provider for all needs not just training chat2lrnAirton Santiago
Q5) Do the research. Interview, survey, review relevant data sources, business plans + trends More here… chat2lrnOwen Ferguson
Q5) Stop thinking of them as LEARNERS but as people who need to know how you can help them to do their jobs effectively Hart (C4LPT)
a5) going back to @charlesjennings point should we stop calling people learners and call them employees/workers? chat2lrnLesley Price
A5 – @pattishank – not sure we actually ask enough – eg only 1 in 5 of us know how our staff are using social media to share ideas chat2lrnLaura Overton
A5)There is also a diff in learning required skills to keep business going and learning for ongoing development. chat2lrnAndrea May
Q5) LEARNERS implies they need to study or memorise something, when that is probably the last thing they need chat2lrnJane Hart (C4LPT)
Q5). If you still do,classroom, turn it into a demo office and train in that environment chat2lrnDenise Hudson Lawson
Ref: *learners*… we’re getting bogged down in what *we* want!!!! chat2lrnCraig Taylor
@LnDDave @c4lpt these ‘old’ words like ‘learner’ are hard to get rid of — I like People or Performers instead!! chat2lrnZephyr Learning
Q5) @NancyReyesNYC No need to memorise anything; just know where you can find the information when/if you need it chat2lrnJane Hart (C4LPT)
#chat2lrn A5) potentially the language that L&D uses is distracting or confusing to the process of collaboration and intent is misunderstoodCindy Jensen
Q6) What should we be asking? chat2lrnchat2lrn
A6) What do you do/go to/ask when you need help? chat2lrnCraig Taylor
A6) "How can I help you do what you do better?" chat2lrnJD Dillon
#chat2lrn a6). How do you find out about stuffDenise Hudson Lawson
A6) Where do you come from ? chat2lrnBruno Winck
A6) Forget work. What do you do when you’re at home and need an answer? < replicate THAT! chat2lrnCraig Taylor
Q6) What do you do when you’re stuck? Who’s good at this stuff? chat2lrnOwen Ferguson
Q6 – Ask people in a range of jobs to see how they find out what they need to to their job better – it’s amazing what you’ll find chat2lrnLaura Overton
Q6 – find out the lie of the land first before asking how i can help you do this better chat2lrnLaura Overton
a6) L&D should do more floor walking…then they will understand what is needed!! chat2lrnLesley Price
Q6 and to fix what we’re doing now "What are we doing that drives you nuts? What are we doing that actually works for you?" Chat2LrnBianca Woods
A6) what can we provide that would help folks achieve mastery faster, cheaper? chat2lrnAndrea May
Q6) What should L&D ask? – How do source knowledge, information and resources?What should we ask L&D? – Listen to the learner chat2lrnZephyr Learning
A6) Ask open-ended questions and LISTEN. chat2lrnTom Spiglanin
A6) maybe we all have our own secret sauce as learners – L&D can help us share that chat2lrnLearnPatch
Q6) Need to be careful though. The answer you get may not be an accurate reflection of reality. You need to dig deeper. chat2lrnOwen Ferguson
A6) Where or to whom do you turn with problems? How can we make that more efficient? chat2lrnAndrea May
A6) L&D need to understand more on previous approaches by asking the learner to support improvement in learning delivery chat2lrnZephyr Learning
Q6 – try sitting with snr managers and ask them these qus about themselves – it shifts their view about learning in general chat2lrnLaura Overton
Q6) One thing software/web design has taught is that what people say they do, and what they actually do can be quite different chat2lrnOwen Ferguson
A6) "Why?" is always a good question to ask. Much better than "What?" "Why?" gets to need, "What?" implies a solution. chat2lrnTom Spiglanin
QWrap) Chatting is great but reflection and action are better. What is your ‘take away’ from our chat? chat2lrnchat2lrn
QWrap) L&D needs to be more proactive on the needs of the learner and also the way in which they source knowledge chat2lrnZephyr Learning
QWrap) We get it. We know WHY to become more focused on people’s needs and a few HOWs. Now why don’t we do it? 🙂 chat2lrnJD Dillon
Qwrap) get out & observe/talk/ask ppl in biz – figure out what REAL needs are chat2lrnMeg Bertapelle
Awrap) One size does not fit all. Keep asking questions, always, of as many people as you can chat2lrnAndrea May
QWrap – lets get out there! Ask, listen, act! chat2lrnLaura Overton
QWrap) Apart from what we call them, we need to do far more in real terms to find out what they want chat2lrnJ Christian-Carter
Qwrap) Take-away: eliminating the term "learner" can change thinking in a productive way chat2lrnTom Spiglanin
Wrap) that much of L&D hasn’t changed 🙁 by the way the chat has gone on today chat2lrnDenise Hudson Lawson
Qwrap) get rid of those barriers to doing the stuff I know I should do chat2lrnMeg Bertapelle
QWrap Use user feedback AND data to figure out what people need. Chat2LrnBianca Woods
QWrap) I will try to be far more assertive with clients who tell me that ‘x, y & z’ are needed with no proof chat2lrnJ Christian-Carter
#chat2lrn. Wrap) And what I and my team have been doing, its working and we are doing it right :). Happy dance timeDenise Hudson Lawson
Qwrap – @DHL66 agree we’ve been discussing this for over 10 yrs now, time for action chat2lrnLaura Overton
qwrap) Go back to Kipling our Six Honest Serving Men…Why, Why, When, How, Where and How chat2lrnLesley Price
@judithels @pattishank whats wrong with learner. its nice, its true, its respectful Stewart
#chat2lrn QWrap several take aways, collaboration is better than isolation or living in a silo, analytics and data key to demonstrating needCindy Jensen
opps should read qwrap) Go back to Kipling our Six Honest Serving Men…What, Why, When, How, Where and How chat2lrnLesley Price
Qwrap – > Note to self – rename the @towardsmaturity ***** Audit ! chat2lrnLaura Overton
A wrap – data is a big opportunity for L&D IMHO especially from a perf support perspective chat2lrnLearnPatch
QWrap Find ways to show hesitant SMEs & stakeholders that learner-centered learning really works Chat2LrnBianca Woods
qwrap) chat2lrn Education – school and university – has LEARNERS; the workplace has WORKERS (learning is just one aspect of working)Jane Hart (C4LPT)
qwrap) Go back to Kipling our Six Honest Serving Men…What, Why, When, How, Where and Who chat2lrnLesley Price
Thanks for joining chat2lrn today! A transcript will be posted on the blog at


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