Friday Filter: Trust, why projects succeed and working smarter


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One headline from Davos this week reads, “How do we upskill a billion people by 2030?” This in the same week that Edelman published its annual research into trust (now in its 20th year). The Edelman research provides a clue to the answer to the headline from Davos. And that is that 79% of people think organisations should provide retraining for workers whose jobs are threatened by automation.

We are living in interesting times and are facing many challenges. Trusting relationships with and between employees might help overcome these challenges.

Our Learning Technologies barcamp this year is on inclusion. Find out more here. And we are running a short survey to see what L&D professionals want from vendors at the Learning Technologies conference. More here.

This week’s links . . .

2020 Edelman Trust Barometer
The Edelman Trust barometer has been measuring people’s trust in government, business, NGOs and the media for 20 years. The latest version has just been launched and it makes interesting reading for employers. For example, “An overwhelming number of respondents believe that it is the duty of business to pay decent wages (83 percent) and provide retraining for workers whose jobs are threatened by automation (79 percent). Yet less than a third of people trust that business will do these.”

Science reveals the tipping point between success and failure
Researchers have delved into data to look for ‘success patterns’ and ‘failure patterns’ in order to determine why some projects succeed and others fail. The answer is that those working on successful projects are better able to learn from their mistakes. This helps them work smarter, not harder.

working smarter
This links to our post above. Here Harold Jarche looks at what working smarter looks like in organisations, especially when it comes to finding and sharing insights.

Quarter of employees believe bullying and harassment are overlooked
Research from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development lifts the lid on bullying and sexual harassment at work. Worryingly, 40% of those who have been bullied or harassed say their manager was responsible. The report highlights the need to educate and support managers in order to stamp out these types of behaviours.


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