Video of the week: Hackschooling makes me happy: Logan LaPlante
We can only hope that this might extend into the workplace. And then what? What…
We can only hope that this might extend into the workplace. And then what? What…
Editor’s note: A rich resource here – all the videos and slide decks from the Learning Technologies 2013 conference sessions.
Editor’s note: Had you been at the Learning Technologies conference 2012 you would have heard Ray Kurzweil talking about machines becoming more intelligent than humans – the singularity. Well, Miguel Nicolelis, a top neuroscientist at Duke University, says computers will never replicate the human brain and that the technological Singularity is “a bunch of hot air.”
Editor’s note: Why would and should you use infographics and what are they good for? Just some of the issues covered using infographics.
Editor’s note: Taking the main components of a digital experience are content, context and the user, this article explores assessment methods and some considerations that would improve the overall reading experience.
Editor’s note: Revisiting the issue of information overload raised by Gerd Leonhard at Learning technologies 2013, web developer Koobazaur has created a Tweetulator, a calculator that works out how much time it would take you to read all of the tweets of the people you follow.
The CIPD LinkedIn members’ group has announced dates for the next three webinars in its…
Editor’s note: This line sums up the article; ‘There’s a real value to exploring the grammar of “button wording.” Not only does it allow us to feel more confident about choosing our words, it helps to explain why some sites seem to able to align their wishes so elegantly with those of their users.’
Editor’s note: Twitter favourites, Facebook Graph search and Linkedin 1% – how have they influenced user behaviour?
Editor’s note: Productivity tips site Lifehacker is worth following for tips and tricks on how to make technology make your life easier. Lifehacker is currently running a series on how some of its team uses technology and tools to make their working lives easier. Some useful tools mentioned here.
Editor’s note: Daniel Pink’s new book is titled To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others. This interview explores Pink’s thinking in the context of teaching.
Editor’s note: The global nature of personal communication coupled with the easy of use of doing it – through mobile devices – is changing the way we learn, says Steve Wheeler. This will have a big impact on the role of schools and work-based learning.
A good reminder of how things have moved on . . . Source: via…
The Learning Technologies conference 2013 was bigger than ever with a lot of interest in…
Editor’s note: Richard Byrne’s slide deck shows some great uses of apps in learning. it is aimed at schools but is relevant for anyone in learning – some great tools listed too.