Real learning mind map
Editor’s note: Wonderful mind map from Mark Britz showing what ‘real’ learning looks like.
Editor’s note: Wonderful mind map from Mark Britz showing what ‘real’ learning looks like.
Editor’s note: And the elements are autonomy, competence and value based on varies research and studies.
Editor’s note: So what holds L&D professionals back from doing new things, showing the way with new tools, techniques and thinking on learning? Does L&D constrain itself? Thought-provoking post from Mike Collins.
Editor’s note: If managers in part hold the key to the development of their teams then they themselves need to be happy and productive in their roles.
Editor’s note: 2013 could be the year enterprise collaboration software has ‘its moment in the sun’. But will organisations be ready to implement it effectively?
Editor’s note: Infographic that gets to the heart of how we use ereaders.
Editor’s note: A look at how this market is hotting up where the investment is going.
Learning technology is helping companies reduce the cost of training and speed up the time…
The creators of mylearningworx are aiming to democratise UK learning by harnessing the power of…
Editor’s note: Google Story Builder enables users to experience the power of Google Docs by creating a story and making a sharable film out of it. This link takes you straight to the tool.
Editor’s note: Some mid-week crystal ball gazing on the future of mobile with interesting expert comment.
Editor’s note: An inspirational story of 15 year old Sierra Leone self-made engineer Kelvin Doe. Worth 10 minutes of your time today.
Editor’s note: Is the Khan Academy the future of education? And would that be a good thing? Thanks to Donald H Taylor for sharing.
Editor’s note: Research into the use of Pinterest and social curation and how that relates to digital libraries. The research sheds light on how users use Pinterest.
Editor’s note: Useful post from Yammer on how to use the platform for events – brings in some thinking from its recent customer event YamJam12.