Purpose in work at the Meaning Conference
Here is my live blog from David Hieatt’s session on purpose in action from the…
Here is my live blog from David Hieatt’s session on purpose in action from the…
Live blog notes from Stowe Boyd’s session at the Meaning Conference. Boyd shares his ideas…
Editor’s note: Youtube is developing a useful looking tool – Video Questions Editor Beta. It promises to provide a way to run quizzes on videos. It’s a beta project but worth taking a look.
Editor’s note: Good to see some UK learning professionals speaking at the forthcoming DevLearn conference. Craig Taylor will be talking about mobile and in this video asks viewers to consider three questions on mobile usage.
Editor’s note: Fascinating look at the Wikipedia story – where it came from and how it works.
Editor’s note: Ben Betts reflects on his recent research report in to social learning which he produced for the eLearning Guild. Some interesting thoughts on the role of the learning professional in a more ’social’ world.
Editor’s note: News network CNN is running a month-long look into mobile usage entitled ‘Our Mobile Society’. This article has a look at how mobiles are used around the world and includes a couple of useful links to research into mobile usage.
E-learning has a long way to go to deliver good user experiences for learners, according…
Editor’s note: Harold Jarche’s notes from the E20 Meetup in Paris which discussed the role of organisational development and HR in the Enterprise 2.0 game play. In particular, how OD and HR can support adoption and transformation processes.
Editor’s note: SAP is rebuilding its social tools with a service called Jam that it will launch in November. What’s interesting here is that this is not social for social’s sake. This is about ‘social glue’ enabling sharing across all apps. Worth watching.
Editor’s notes: David Goddin’s review of Training Journal’s L&D2020 event on “The new L&D skill set – building relationships with the business”. Raises some interesting questions about the future mindset required for L&D professionals.
Editor’s note: With Instagram overtaking Twitter on mobile devices we know the importance of images. And we also know the importance of images in learning content, and in our own avatars, etc, which is why this research is worth a look.
Editor’s note: #chat2lrn is a Twitter chat for learning and OD professionals that takes place every other week on a Thursday. Yesterday’s chat was on e-learning, and very interesting it was too. Prior to each chat the organisers share some links as a kind of pre-reading (they also share the tweet analysis after the chat) and yesterday’s included some useful links on elearning.
If you read some of the reviews from the recent Learning Live conference you would…
Editor’s note: This is for CIPD members only but worth flagging up as this piece of research has been carried out by organisational learning expert Professor Eugene Sadler-Smith of Surrey University. The research looks at what practitioners do now – steady state – and what they need to be looking at for the future – ready state.