Workplace Trends: wellbeing and performance
Editor’s note: A review of the Workplace Trends conference, which this year focused on health and wellbeing – two key factors to improved performance and productivity.
Editor’s note: A review of the Workplace Trends conference, which this year focused on health and wellbeing – two key factors to improved performance and productivity.
Editor’s notes: Donald Taylor urges L&D professionals to take time to reflect on their practice in order that they themselves can learn and develop.
Editor’s note: Great series on learning theories for the 21st century from Steve Wheeler. This article takes a look at connectivism – very relevant for our networked world.
Editor’s notes: The DevLearn 12 conference starts today. Follow all the action in the event backchannel.
Editor’s notes: A useful list, most of which will be on the mind of your IT team . . . and it’s always good to know what’s on their mind.
Editor’s notes: Research shows for the first time that we have a built-in neural constraint on our ability to be both empathetic and analytic at the same time. Implications on learning styles?
Editor’s note: Sukh Pabial has organised the first UK HR and L&D blog carnival. Featuring a range of HR, L&D and OD practitioners it is packed with blog posts on ‘When potential comes to fruition’.
Editor’s note: NationalField aims to fix the problem of activity tailing off after the launch of a social network. Interestingly the technology was built to simplify communications between in-the-field campaign volunteers and regional campaign offices in the 2008 US presidential campaign.
Editor’s note: Presentation from Elearnity founder David Wilson which he gave at last week’s HR Tech Conference. Good insights into the challenge of integration and how organisations can move on from their ‘patchwork’ of best of breed systems.
Editor’s note: An overview of how tablets are changing the way medical students and their tutors are learning, teaching, sharing information and accessing knowledge.
Editor’s note: Not aimed at the learning content design but the many of the principles still apply – five useful tips on web design backed up by research.
Editor’s note: Josh Bersin delivered sessions at learning 2012 and the HR tech Europe Conference. Here he reflects on the themes that emerged for L&D and HR professionals.
Editor’s note: Donald Clark continues his series on learning technologies with a post about blogging – why it is good for learners, educators and how it helps the learning process.
Editor’s note: Great post on the Tin can API and the possibilities around monitoring what is shared, asked for and received, shifting the concept from learning experiences to what we actually do and therefore opening a whole new world of opportunity.
Editor’s note: Craig Taylor is attending this week’s DevLearn Conference in Las Vegas and is happy to ask questions on your behalf . . . Craig is also speaking on mobile learning at the event.