Movement or Moment?
Editor’s note: This research of organisational approaches to diversity and inclusion explores whether employers’ current focus on D&I is a momentary thing or something bigger – a movement for change.
Editor’s note: This research of organisational approaches to diversity and inclusion explores whether employers’ current focus on D&I is a momentary thing or something bigger – a movement for change.
Editor’s note: The IHC Network, an international, multidisciplinary group with deep experience in research methods, health services research, medicine, public health, epidemiology, design, education, communication and journalism, has created this site to help people think critically about claims made about management.
Editor’s note: The Learning Guild produces regular, free research reports which I thoroughly recommend. They are compiled by Jane Bozarth and provide a review of the evidence behind a range of approaches to learning. This report explores generational differences and their impact on learning – if any.
Editor’s note: In this article, a professor of psychology explores how implicit and explicit bias works and why anti-bias training fails. To overcome bias in the workplace, there needs to be a more holistic approach that looks at systemic bias too.
Editor’s note: Congratulations to the winners and shortlisted teams in this year’s Learning Technologies Awards. Here you can see all the winners and shortlisted teams across all 26 categories.
Editor’s note: The research discussed in this article explores how NHS workers perceive the idea of speaking up and listening up – who does it based on seniority, for example. The research shows that leaders have blindspots, listening to what they want to hear.
Editor’s note: Just because many of is have been working in virtual teams these past few months doesn’t mean we are good at it. This report from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development looks at what the research has to say about the best ways to run virtual teams.
Editor’s note: Attending the annual CIPD conference can feel like groundhog day – with discussions on similar topics year in year out. Looking at this review of day one suggests that HR is now stepping into different areas that could have a significant – and positive – impact on employees.
Editor’s note: This free 60-page download is a work in progress. It explores how organisational data can be used to improve organisational design. Are we looking at organisation design by numbers or something more nuanced
How are the majority of L&D initiatives evaluated? This is a burning question for learning…
Editor’s note: This is an interesting report that looks at how employers have been using flexible working through lockdown. It calls out ‘fake flex’ and explores the ways organisations can make flexible stick into the future.
Disagreements between work colleagues can get even more uncomfortable and tricky to navigate when you…
Editor’s note: Curiosity helps leaders develop empathy and humility, according to this article. There’s quite a lot being written about this innate human quality. Is it being packaged as a an L&D approach/solution?
Editor’s note: I like this article for the fact it tries to address a huge problem for organisations and that is effective communication. Lockdown has accelerated the use of digital communication but are we using it effectively? This piece provides some pointers on how to communicate in bursts.
Editor’s note: Research reported in this article shows that teams that are less tech savvy have suffered as a result lockdown working. Teams that have maintained and strengthened cohesion have harnessed new technologies, created new social rituals and have prioritised compassion and care.