A gold-standard study on brain training
Editor’s note: This is a big study that shows the benefits of online ‘brain training’ exercises including improvements in everyday tasks, such as shopping, cooking and managing home finances.
Editor’s note: This is a big study that shows the benefits of online ‘brain training’ exercises including improvements in everyday tasks, such as shopping, cooking and managing home finances.
Editor’s note: Whether you use Instagram yourself or are helping colleagues or the organisation to use it, there are some great tips and tools here from an Instagram ‘star’.
Editor’s note: Is there, or should there be, a difference between instructional and interaction design. This is a great guide to interaction design.
Only three out of 10 organisations are achieving improved productivity and engagement from their L&D…
Editor’s note: An interview with Work out Loud advocate John Stepper that looks at the challenges and opportunities of working out loud in organisations.
Editor’s note: Some interesting thoughts on gifting versus sharing on the social web. Gifting is linked to reputation – does this connect employees to a better purpose around sharing knowledge?
Editor’s note: How MIT Media lab is using block chain technology to issue and store digital certificates.
Editor’s note: There are some good tips and tools mentioned in this practical guide to content curation.
Analyst Josh Bersin has published a report on the top HR #technology disruptors for 2016.…
Here are our highlights from the Chat2lrn Twitter chat on videos for training. [View the…
Benchmarking organisation #towards maturity held a VIP launch of its 2015 #benchmark study in London…
As an organisation, you have spent a not inconsiderable amount of time and money recruiting…
Editor’s note: John Seely Nbrown says that unlearning is an important part of learning. I like this line ‘While focusing on learning is fine, another real challenge is unlearning. We know that in this age of exponential change, global influences and zigzag careers, the ability to unlearn in order to learn anew, and re-frame in order to see differently is paramount.’
Editor’s note: Tomorrow (10th October) is World Mental Health Day. This research shows the extent of mental health problems in the workplace.
Editor’s note: I never knew there were a) so many biases and b) so many biases that affect decision making. Presented in an easy-to-read info graphic.