There are over 68,000 children in social care in England and a further 400,000 who need support. After several high-profile failures in the sector and a history of underachievement of children in care – only 15% achieve five or more A*-C GCSEs compared with 58% of non-looked-after children – the Department for Education (DfE) recognised the need to secure a significant improvement in outcomes for vulnerable children and young people. Historically, attempts to effect major change across the sector had had little impact and DfE knew they needed to do something vastly different this time.

Effective organisations today are built around highly empowered teams, driven by a new model of management, and led by a breed of globally diverse leaders. They are “different by design.” More than 7,000 HR and business leaders from 130 countries responded to this year’s survey. From this emerged 10 in organisation design and culture; in learning, leadership, and workforce management; and within the HR function itself.



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