Covid-19: Resources from the big consultancies


Each week we publish separate links and bundle them together in our Friday Filter newsletter. This week we have tried a different approach and have listed the links we would have shared separately in one article.

The reason for this is that they share a common theme. They are the Covid-19 resources hubs for the leading, global consultancies. There are some really interesting and useful articles, tools and models which may be of use to you, your clients and your colleagues.

Deloitte: COVID-19
Includes an interesting article on resilient leadership.

PWC: Responding to the UK business impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19)The article on 7 steps for effective crisis management provides some simple steps to get your comms right.

EY: Responding to COVID-19Includes some interesting research on what UK households think of their technology and media.

KPMG: COVID-19 ResourcesThe response assessment tool enables you to measure the operational resilience of your organisation.

McKinsey: Coronavirus: Leading through the crisisFeatures useful articles on how executive boards should be responding to the Covid-19 crisis.

You can see more of the Covid-19 resources were are pulling together in this shared document.


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