Six ways Jack Welch is wrong about what makes a great company
Editor’s note: Alexander Kjerulf unpicks the thinking of the great Jack welch. In so doing, he shines the light on what makes a great workplace. Thanks to Ian Pettigrew for sharing.
Editor’s note: Alexander Kjerulf unpicks the thinking of the great Jack welch. In so doing, he shines the light on what makes a great workplace. Thanks to Ian Pettigrew for sharing.
#social media could be making us stupid, according to #robin hoyle, author of Informal Learning…
This year’s #world of learning Conference will be tackling the big people development challenges currently…
Here are our highlights from the Chat2lrn Twitter chat on Internal versus external L&D. [View…
Editor’s note: Interesting and indepth presentation on personalised versus personal learning with some great insights into how data could support individual learning environments.
Editor’s note: If 40% of our time is spent on habits we have a huge opportunity to change the way we do things for the better. But how? Charles Duhigg, author of the Power of Habit, explains how.
Editor’s note: Dave Kelly pulls together everything that has been shared in and around the Learning Live conference. A great resource.
Editor’s note: Towards Maturity research shows that L&D teams continue to have real problems making leadership development programmes work.
Editor’s note: Jamil Qureshi gave the keynote at this week’s Learning Live conference in London. In this clip, he talks through why failure is an integral part to learning and to success.
Jamil Qureshi gave the keynote on success mindsets at the Learning Live conference 2015. He…
In his talk at Learning Live 2015, Dave Buglass, Head of Capability & Development at…
Editor’s note: Good piece on how consumer trends in information consumption are impacting on employees’ expectations of learning content. Thanks to Jane Hart for sharing this.
Editor’s note: Interesting insights into how social media users consume news through Twitter. There are some take-aways here on the authenticity of information on Twitter and how to use Twitter in more engaging ways.
Editor’s note: Listening to a talk whilst looking at bullet points is cognitively exhausting. So, you know what to do in your next presentation.
Editor’s note: Harold Jarche shares his 10-year personal knowledge management journey and explains the models and tools he has used and developed along the way.